Why The Negativity?

Day 1,202, 11:51 Published in Australia Norway by Major Lee Hung

You have probably all seen in the past few days all of this stuff about the eRepublik administration; none of it positive! I decided to take some time to talk about the positive things in eRepublik. (Because I'm bored, and the admins need at least one supporter to feel like their game is working!)

-We get to experience what its like to be in a dictatorship; courtesy of Plato. We see all of these recent things in the news about the recent revolutions in the middle east. Ever wanted to partake in the protests? Now you can! Just start an uprising against Colonel Plato.

-Ever wanted to join your armed forces just to shoot a few people when you're mad and/or bored? Now you can! For just a few hundred real-life dollars a month you can fight almost everyday! The bugs are just like those pesky IEDs.

Bored of Facebook?
-Facebook is getting boring! Nobody wants to sit around talking, liking things and posting their life story through statuses all day. Lucky for us, Plato has the perfect solution! eRepublik is now slowly turning into Facebook; except instead of just talking to your friends, you can now fight them! Just imagine the tears you'll bring to their eyes when you bring in a tank as revenge for the past ten years you've been 'friends'!

Comedic Value
-If none of this works for you, you can simply just sit back and laugh at some anusholes trying to integrate politics, war, real life and social networking into one with their strange ideas for fun, their greed for money which will eventually backfire, their banning of their best customers and the anger they bring to those third world countries who take things in this virtual heaven just a little too seriously.

TL😉R version
-Developers need to get laid.