Why I am voting Rex

Day 1,227, 03:08 Published in South Africa South Africa by OKayOK

Its exciting times. I am really feeling it this election, you know that feeling? The IA being a party that has consistently lead this nation into new milestone, fostering leaders and attempting to create new one. I use the word attempting and I will explain why. Few things irritate me more that people who cry elitist. This country does not have a problem with elitists, but it does have a problem with people who always feel that leadership is out of their grasps, or that they are simply entitled to lead just because it is simply their turn. Politics, and indeed life does not work that way and it should not. As a white RL South African, I hear it all the time that it is not my turn to work in a certain job because I am a white elitist, that I need to suffer for the sins of my parents and Grandparents. I see people who I was in school with from Grade 1 get better jobs than me because they are considered “disadvantaged” because of the Apartheid regime.

I never created apartheid, and I had nothing to do with its running.
I never created the so called Elite here, and never had anything to do with its running.

If, as people say there is such a Elitist order, the only people who are to blame for it is the people who don’t step up and become contributing members of this society.

With all that said, The IA needs to grasp the idea that there is a problem, and it needs to do its best to address the said problems that exist. The fact is, as a leading party in this country, we need to hear the cries of the people and do whatever we can to address them, but it should be done on our terms.

Below is a summary of what I believe we should do. This is not the official policy of the IA, but I believe it should be

The solution:
- Develop new leaders whenever circumstances allow
- Develop a member of a smaller party by appointing them VP if such a worthy person exists

Our Terms
- A CP candidate must be Ready, willing and 100% able to fulfill his/her duty and humbly accept the post without any thought of entitlement
- A VP candidate must follow the same terms

The elections
We have a worthy, new and fresh candidate who is capable and fully ready to take on the Presidency. He has an understanding of his weaknesses and is willing to work with people to overcome them. We have a non-IA running mate, who has also shown great leadership potential. This is a dream team, a team that eSA needs, and one that will hopefully put to rest the notions of a elitist agenda.

When I head to the Polls, I will without a seconds hesitation vote Rex, and I will feel 100% satisfied that my vote has served this country well.

Come elections, I hope you will do the same