Why does "The Ultimate Propaganda" have to stoop so low?

Day 462, 17:44 Published in USA USA by Jon Malcom

Well folks I will keep short sweet and to the point.
I see a user named The Supernatural using language that pertains to borderline profanity...
Here's the link:http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/i-m-sick-of-these-motherf-ing-idiots-in-this-mother-ing-country--741480/1/20
Now folks I like freedom of the press just as much as you do, in fact I love it just as much as you do but...
Read the article and understand that the point of words is to get any point across and it should be done quickly and without bad language.
He tells us that he won't say much about Uncle Sam but that he (Uncle Sam) has the answers!
If he has the answers, please explain it to us sir and do it like real citizens of the world do when they present the facts...do it without profaning the net around you!
He also goes on to say: Fu** the USWP... He also goes on to say that Scrabman can kiss this nations a**!
Sir if you are going to report the news please report with some kind of dignity and stop being so childish...
I may take hate mail, I may take a dip in subscribers, but one thing I will not take is foolishness in the press.
Disagree with dignity...
--Jon Malcom/Voice of America