WHPR[Day1393] Spain = PtH

Day 1,393, 14:13 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

Citizens of the eUnited States of America,

Yesterday evening I published the debut Grab Bags contest. The final numbers have not yet been tallied, and the Low Roller Contest is still in the process of being double-checked to justify the donations with the bag requests, but I am guessing that somewhere in the neighborhood of 18,000 USD was raised in about 3 hours... yes, that is AFTER prize distribution!

During those three hours I was madly busy updating the Bag Lists as no sooner would I edit the list than 2 more purchasers would show up in the comments. And this was going on for two separate contests, so 200 bags were eventually sold.

After I was done entering all of the names and double-checking them with the requests, Kara Beth logged on (it was well after Midnight Eastern Time where she lives) and she began the work of justifying my list with her donations thread. There was not a single instance of foul play (someone requesting a bag and not paying). Indeed, there were many instances of people donating MORE than the cost of the bags because they so appreciate the work of the Department of the Interior.

By tonight, all prizes will have been distributed and we can announce our next fundraiser. I am considering additional events to fund not only the Interior but also the OMS and USAF. Stay tuned.

America, you have made me proud.

I want to thank Marcus Corwin who worked with Kara Beth and me in getting things set up. I want to thank Kara Beth who has done all of the accounting and distribution work. And I want to thank President Alexander_Auctoritas for giving me the leeway to even try this in the first place.


Meanwhile, a far less scintillating series of events continues to unfold. It is the "war" against Spain. WHPR war reporter Israel Stevens has filed another update on the Spanish Front. Don't forget to subscribe to his excellent paper, the Allied War Report.

Here is the latest against (gosh, sorry, I don't know what's gotten into me) Spain.

Spanish "War" Front - Update
Filed by Israel Stevens

America, I feel like I owe you an apology. I got you riled up. You wanted to Liberate Spain. You wanted a little payback for all the things they’ve done. All the states we lost. The two plus months of repressions. And I understand. Hell, I wanted those things too.
But then I came to a realization. It’s actually a three part realization. All centering around the same idea:
Spain isn’t worth it.

Think about it. They’re really not worth it. Spain is boring. Spain is yesterday’s news. Why conquer a meaningless nation when you could actually do something worthwhile with your damage? Spain will always be there. Spain is to the USA like Ireland is to the UK. We can beat up on them whenever we want. And the only real way for them to stop it is with allied support.

Beating Spain, is like beating Pizza the Hut in a PotUS race. Never a real threat. Just there for our lulz.

Why deal with Spain, when we should be dealing with the real thing? If you want an MPP with the USA, you don’t ask one of Jelly’s 14 Deputies, you talk to the man himself. Let’s do things directly.

Poland wears the pants in that relationship. Even dating back to the days when Spain and Poland were both in EDEN. The only reason Spain left was because Poland did. They are called ’Spoland’ for a reason. (Protip: It’s because Spain is Poland’s b*tch)

See? Told ya!

If you think about it, Spain being in ONE doesn’t make much sense. ONE is a geo-political alliance centered around the Eastern Europe region. Spain is way out in Western Europe, and surrounded by enemies; USA, Brazil, France, Portugal. The core ONE nations (Poland, Hungary, and Serbia), all share close proximity to each other, and have very similar interests. The United States should deal with the leader of ONE (Poland). Not one of it’s 14 deputies....

Where’s Spain?????

And lastly, ignoring Spain is the right thing to do. We ignore them because we are better than they. Better individuals... a better nation. We have morals. We have scruples.

We don’t turn our backs on our allies, like Spain does.
We don’t allow innocent nations to be occupied, like Spain does.
We don’t allow our Defense Department to declare our alliance dead, like Spain does.

The United States should never stoop to the level of the Spanish. Even after turning their backs on their oldest allies, Spain is declaring their new alliance dead, and calling out their own militias for not dealing enough damage. We may have our own internal issues, but no one has ever said that our militias don’t deal enough damage.

We are the United States of America.
And we have to stand for something.
Otherwise, we’ll fall for anything.


In other news, President A^2 has agreed to an MPP with eCyprus. All eAmericans should be very thankful for our continued relationship with these allies. eRepublik would not be the game it is without eCyprus.

..........cccCCC-HAIL INCI-CCCccc...........cccCCC-HAIL eCYPRUS-CCCccc..........


Are you still not in a Military Unit or Militia? Then you’re doing it wrong
US Armed Forces
Seal Team 6
Easy Company
Training Corps


WHPR strongly recommends that you subscribe to these papers also:

- As G as it Gets., President A^2’s paper.


Keep clicking fight,
White House Press Secretary