WHPR [Day 1,213] Wicked Pissa Good News!

Day 1,213, 16:44 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

1.) Save the Date
2.) Get Armed, America!
3.) Economic Turmoil
4.) Alliance Round-up
5.) Hookups

White House Press Conference:

Save the date: Saturday, March 19th, 18:30 erep time. A White House press conference featuring President Glove and Chief of Staff Justin McCravok will be hosted at #whitehouse.public

Arm America is Active:

As heralded earlier today from the front lawn of the White House by WH Chief of Staff Justin McCravok, "Arm America is back! If you are an eUSA citizen and are non-INCI, you can jump on IRC in #defense to grab your free food. Ping either Zyria or ElmieJr with your profile link and they will send you food as soon as they can. If you are level 21 or under and non-militia and non-military, you can use this Google Doc form for even more food."

Since Citizen-Chief McCravok already covered all of the exciting news for today, I will, umm, err, ah... Right, note that the wonderfully green and gloverly White House lawn not only screams "Happy St. Patrick's Day!", but is a testament to our hard-working staff of White House gardeners. Please give them a big round of applause!

Economic Turmoil:

The introduction of Unified Inventory and associated changes have sent managers everywhere running for their spreadsheets. Prices for food and weapons dropped like a rock as overproduction took hold and managers sought to unload large inventories.

Expect a bit more turbelence while the markets seek a new equilibrium.

Every cloud has its silver lining, though, my pretty hamsters. For example, these latest changes have brought about a number of calls for increased levels of charitable giving and cooperative endeavors between players.

Interesting times. If you like roller coasters.

Alliance Round-Up:

Plenty of e-ink has been spilled and tea leaves read over the past few days regarding President Glove's embrace of the eUSA's long-time ally Greece.

Here's a few other updates in case you haven't been browsing the Country Administration tab like you shoul😛

* MPP with Broatia affired 11 days ago.
* MPP with Brozil affirmed 10 days ago.
* MPP with Greece affirmed 9 days ago.
* Indonesia declared a Natural Enemy 8 days ago.
* MPP with Bulgaria affirmed 6 days ago.
* MPP with Italy affirmed 4 days ago.
* MPP with Philippines affirmed yesterday.
* MPP with United Kingdom affirmed yesterday.
* Currently pending: Proposal for MPP with Israel has 29 Yes vote, 3 No.

If you are subscribed to the WH Press Room (WHPR) and to the following papers, then you are a champion!

- Department of Defense Orders, from the Department of Citizen Orders

- Easyrider, from the Pony Express

- The Vanguard World, President Glove's paper

And have a...

...good St. Patrick's Day, y'all!

xio, PQ