What’s the Story with the JDS?

Day 2,637, 08:09 Published in Australia Australia by eAus Department of Information

The JDS is eAustralia’s Joey Development Scheme. It is designed to offer a bit of structure and gold for new eAussies. I recently PM’d Mongoosier, who capably directs this initiative, to ask him a few questions about the scheme. Here are his answers:

Who is eligible to join the JDS?

Any eAustralian Division 1 citizen is eligible to join. We have a system in place to detect multis though, so if you have previously applied under a different username, the money won’t be paid out.

You can claim your gold at any time you are in Div 1 – so if there’s anyone out there that feels they have missed out, it might not be too late.

How does one enroll?

To enroll is simple – just drop me a PM and express your interest. I’ll send you a link to a two question survey (just to keep track of who is applying) and once that is done I can check and see how you are going and get some gold over to you.

What are the benefits of being in the JDS?

There are two main benefits:

Firstly, it helps provide a bit of structure to the early steps in the game for new players. I remember when I started playing I was totally lost in terms of what I should do first and where to turn for help! The JDS missions got me pointed in the right direction, and they give you a gentle introduction to the core components of the game.

It also gives you a sense of progress, as in the initial stages it’s hard to know whether you are moving in the right direction. I think a lot of new players leave out of frustration before getting to grips with things, so hopefully the JDS keeps them moving forward.

The second main benefit of course is gold! You won’t be smashing battle hero medals every day at this stage so the gold from the JDS is a major source of income, which is crucial to keep players growing early on.

How are JDS missions different from Plato’s missions?

Well, at the risk of incurring Plato’s wrath, Plato’s missions are as much about helping Plato as they are about helping new players develop and grow.

I remember being stuck early on the missions to buy companies and ending up spending valuable gold on companies that, with hindsight, I really didn’t need at the time.

The big difference with the JDS is that the missions themselves are designed to reward new players for taking their natural first steps in the game. There’s nothing that pushes players to run before they can walk, and in fact the tasks themselves make it clear that some of them are not to be rushed.

Many thanks to Mongoosier for his time, his excellent work, and for running a scheme that’s good for eAustralia. Tick the link below to apply today. The JDS is funded entirely by donations from private benefactors, and many thanks to you good peoples as well!
