What if I gave a 100 Bucks to one lucky player?

Day 2,252, 12:24 Published in USA USA by Josh Whitehead

Howdy and shut up!!!

It's been nearly 4 years since I've played this game and today I bring you an article about giving away something to someone. But just anyone but a very special person (not your mom, calm down).

Yesterday, I wrote a post on our e USA Facebook page and it didn't receive the attachment I was looking for. Perfect.

Not every one uses the network in pages but. . I want the eRep community. Input as well!!!

I ask you to calm your face down just a notch as I've gotten me a new phone which gives me the ability to do anything. It's like a mini computer in my hand. Now I can play eRep ON-THE-GO.

ANYWAYS, please just bear with me on this. I am learning this dawn Frain thing out... Please enjoy the pictures below as what I'm trying to go with. It's an idea that I hope.....hope will follow three and that the admits will follow up on.

Thanks and have a great weekend you dirty dirty nerds 😉))