What happened to Democracy?

Day 1,997, 07:13 Published in Netherlands China by SKYJACKED

What happened to democracy??

Our previous goverment had a tough decission to make about what the future for e-Nl would look like.
Would we stay neutral or should we commit to an alliance.
And if so which alliance would be the best choice for a long lasting coorperation and a more properus e-NL
Because the decission would made a difference and influence on the future of e-NL , there was decided to keep a referendum among the citizens of e-NL.
Unfortunately this decission was made at the end of the goverments term , and was suggested to do that in the month of may after the elections.
Now that the elections have past and a significant powershift has occurred the plans of the previous Goverment have changed on the matter.
The new president and his crew didn't think it was important enough or would take to long to organize a referendum.
So the motion was made to scratch the referendum to save some time and speed up the process by just making it a congressional vote on the matter.
This certainly would speed up the whole process , but is this really what we all want and push aside democracy in e-NL.
By doing it this way a few options that would be available in the referendum are set aside to make it a yes or no vote in the matter of joining up with Asgard.
Not that Asgard would be a bad choice , but we have to weigh our other options to.

Other options on this matter are joining CoT , Nan or keep staying neutral.
Staying neutral would be the worsed decission only because now that EDEN almost has disolved and split up , the world is rapidly going towards a bi-polar world.
We as e-NL have to choose a side in the matter or we'll be wiped for ever and not trusted by anyone
This will have the concequence that no other nations will feel the urge to help us out against our polish oppressors.
So this option to stay neutral isn't really a option if we want to survive.

The other options joining Asgard or Cot are pretty much the best choices we as e-NL could make.
This because Nan (Non Affiliated Nations) is geographical a difficult road to take.
It all could work out fine if in the future more nations will join em , but at the moment Nan is to scattered arround the world to defend itself against any agression from the 2 largest alliances.
So keeping that aspect in mind there would be 2 choices left Asgard or CoT.

Asgard on that matter would be a save & solid choice , we have alot of friends within that alliance and they would treat e-NL as an equal member.
Loyalty and commitment are strong values within Asgard.
And if they would accept us to join them it would be a solid choice and a step towards a better future.

CoT therefor is a much more powerfull alliance and probably gonna end up in a total war with TWO.
How the outcome of that battle will be that is still a geussing game.
However when CoT comes out on top of this battle and we have joined them before that World War starts , the future of e-NL looks alot brighter.
Just because that "to the Victors goes the spoils"
Does it end up different and CoT loses that war , nothing will change in e-NL and we'll be wiped for many more months.
Also when we would join CoT , the negotiations (that some players are in favor off) with Poland will be out of the question the moment we'll join CoT

Because the decission is gonna effect our country in a big way , my opinion is that all citizens of e-NL should have a vote in this matter.
Making it only a congressional vote , could give the citizens of e-NL the feeling that it really doesn't matter what the think or feel and make em indifferent to the whole subject.
With the result that the country that is already devided to the core , would only spiral down into a discussion again weather the right choice was made or not.
Therefor i would like to appeal to our goverment to take the long road towards the decission and keep that referendum on he matter.
Than nobody can complain afterward , just because it was the majority that voted us in whatever direction the country goes.

To end this artcle i wish our goverment all the strength and wisdom is this difficult decission and hope they will make the right choice for e-NL's future