What eIrish Means

Day 1,253, 08:52 Published in Ireland Ireland by Sweet Drinker

Everyone (hopefully) is aware of the UK's intention to invade us. They have abandoned their alliance because they were denied the 'right' to invade Ireland.

They sited our 'act of aggression' against their ally Canada as an excuse for opening war against us.
But this statement could be born only from complete ignorance or an outright lie. Our relationship with Canada is undeniable.

They sited Canada's occupation of one of their natural regions as a reason to leave TERRA.
But as the operation to return NI to the UK was already underway this claim holds little water.

And do they claim to be motivated by both 'defending' Canada, and being angry with Canada? This follows no logic.

They claim grievance at being treated as a 'second class nation'.
However they were only ever contented with eIreland as a nation when we existed merely as a neutral 'no-mans-land' between themselves and the seething hatred of those who felt so betrayed by them.

They have left TERRA simply to be unrestricted politically in attacking Ireland. Period.

So the UK is going to invade us, and just about everybody here is getting ready and excited by the prospect.

But remember this:

They will come when our friends are in danger.
When our soldiers are war weary and afar.
Like a thief in the night.
It will not be pistols at dawn, it will be a dagger in the moonlight.

When they come for our territories our soldiers will be away in the eWorld protecting our comrades. They will take what regions they can without a fight, that is their modus operandi.

But ours is not a nation like the UK.
We do not define ourselves by the territories we occupy.

We may have to sacrifice some regions for the greater good of our allegiances.
Our Island is not of key economic importance.
Our geopolitical positioning is not of key strategic importance.

But our allies and our friends have spoken this week through their actions to the key importance of the IRISH PEOPLE.

Do you think it is our economy the UK wants? It will cost them more to take it than they can stand to earn from it.

Is it our territories they desire? Those will only be a strategic liability to them.

What the Uk covets, what they have failed to understand, is the love & respect tiny Ireland has earned so much of, and they have failed to.

These things cannot be taken, conquered, or occupied. And the UK will gain little of by invading us.

When they come, do not for a moment regret if you are deployed abroad to defend your friends and allies. Stand tall and proud of the sacrifices OUR PEOPLE are willing to make. And know that when the time comes, those we have so freely given ourselves to will march next to us as we take back all which has been stolen.


To all those true friends, (the listing of which would run longer than this article!) I give you all that was ever require😛 o7