We Are One

Day 784, 14:08 Published in Serbia Bulgaria by Greekdude829
Hello Dear Serbians, I will like to ask which ever Serbian brother or sister of mine that would like to leave Serbia and come to Greece and help fight on Greece's side of the battle to please message me so I can send them a moving ticket. We should not be fighting against each other no matter what our brother hood should stay alive in real life and in this game. So please message Greekdude829 asking for a ticket to come to move to Greece.

P.S.-Whoever stays in Serbia dont use guns try letting Turkey win a battle by themselves for once.

(Whoever is Turkish or from F.Y.R.O.M do me a favor and stop spamming my article, I am not asking Serbians to leave Phoenix but to stop fighting against there brothers and help their Brothers. And to the next person that says well Greece tanked on Serbia, show me a article saying stop attacking your brothers, and you guys did the ONLY damage in the war Greece VS Turkey so that is not right to do against a brother even if Greece did fight against Serbia, Greece's soldiers didn't really win the battle for Croatia.)

Your bro Dimitris. 🙂

