War tips 101

Day 877, 18:42 Published in Israel Israel by baglamas

So after our efforts to improve our relations, Turkey attacked us. Such a big country decided to attack a small, peaceful nation just for fun and because this might give them a chance for a baby-boom (=sudden increase of the population). Country officials have tried and are still trying to get help from bigger friendly/allied countries. Our friends have helped us get two regions back already. So, should we celebrate?

It's a war. So Turkey will probably attack again. Are we doomed? Hell no!

It's obvious that eIsraelis have less damage that bigger nations, but there are things every citizen can do!

Move to a region with hospital
We have two of them: Jerusalem and Beersheba. Hospitals will give you max 50 wellness points after you fight, so get to fight at least five times a day.

Keep your wellness high
This allows you to fight more times, and do more damage per fight. Don't forget that you can't fight if your wellness drops under 40.

Use guns
You do damage based on this formula, which includes: your strength, wellness, military rank, weapon. Therefore having weapons increases the damage you do, according to the quality of the weapon. Simple way to remember:
Q0: -50% dmg
Q1: +20% dmg
Q2: +40% dmg
Q5: +100% dmg
so you can do the calculations and see what weapon best suits you, considering the money you have, of course.

Use gifts
Gifts increase you wellness too. You can be gifted with max 10 wellness points per day. This means either 10Q1 gifts or 5Q2 etc. This way you can fight one more time, since every fight consumes 10 wellness points. So a smart thing to do is:
>start your day with your wellness close to 100
>fight once
>buy 10 gifts and ask sb to offer them to you
>fight five more times
>go to the hospital and heal.
This way you hit twice with the maximum damage you can do.

Fight in your last login
That's a strategic thing to do. Look at the wall before you fight. If it's too high and it's not your last login DON'T fight there, unless it's an official order! It's a pity to waste your damage in a battle we've already won, especially if you don't know if another battle is going to be opened soon.

Fight T-5
T-5 is a military term. Imagine that T is the end of the battle and the number after that is the minutes before the end. So T-5 = the last 5 mins of the battle.
If it's your last login and a battle is almost over or if u know that u can manage your RL time so that you can be in the battlefield near the end of the battle, u HAVE to fight T-5 or as late as possible. When enemies know the wall, they can hire tanks to bring it down. So don't reveal your strength till the last minute!

last but not least join eIDF
eIFD is our national army. If you want to join and help your country check out this https://spreadsheets0.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=dGR1bTJpc0lCUlRxX0RvbFNtZ2tDQ0E6MA">form

Let's kick some Turkish butt!!!

Check out this article for interesting statistics and reports