Votes of own partymembers in Congress election

Day 2,471, 09:34 Published in Netherlands Poland by svenders

Official results

Iron and Wine :54 members/33 votes (61😵

Revolution et Libertas :44 members/18 votes (40😵

Geuzen Partij Nederland : 26 members/17 votes (65😵

Verenigd Nederland : 18 members/12 votes (66😵

Democratisch Nederland : 31 members/6 votes (19😵

It seems to me that it is very hard to motivate members who are not on an 'electable' place to even bother to do the effort of 2 clicks for a party vote...

Having the most members means nothing, a party that can truly motivate his members to vote(for a little reward of let's say 10 NLG or 2 Q7 weapons or whatever...), will have majority in Congress!