Vote USWP on the 25th

Day 1,861, 01:31 Published in USA USA by stancel

The world didn't end on December 21. Among other things, that means we can still play eRepublik.


The attempt to knock out the USWP from the top 5 and replace it with an offshoot party of the AFA has failed due to the efforts of the ATO forces who came to the aid of the USWP.


It is important to prevent AFA from getting a majority therefore a vote for any of the non-AFA parties would be the only way to go, but as I am a member of the USWP, I think you should vote for the USWP.

I can think of no better way to ring in the New Year and celebrate Christmas than by defeating the AFA. They have not been able to gain a majority in Congress and I doubt they ever will. Although their recent actions were an attempt at securing a majority, they failed in that, to which we can thank the people who helped the USWP.

Relevant Links

USWP Official Release - ATO Response

[USWP] Exposing Another AFA Lie