USAF Merger Complete!

Day 2,414, 18:04 Published in USA USA by Dave Gulya


USAF Merger Complete!

Dave Gulya, Deputy SecMed

I spoke recently with Secretary of Defense dmjohnston and Operational Commander rainysunday to ask about the merger of USAF Military Units into one cohesive Unit.

dmjohnston told me that “at this point the merger is essentially complete” and that “the command structure has been unified for some time now, and rainy sunday is filling in the remaining spots with people”. This has provided and will continue to provide many opportunities for players to get involved with the Military Unit. Positions ranging from Platoon Leader to Regiment Captain are being filled at this time and as more players join the United States Armed Forces Military Unit, additional Regiments will need to be added and existing Regiments may need to be shifted to accommodate these changes.

SecDef dmjohnston also explained that the biggest hurdles they are facing are technological ones. Supplying soldiers with the needed weapons and food is of utmost importance to keeping a strong military. USAF Technology Chief Darkmantle, has created a new site that displays Regiment Rosters and will give soldiers another option to request supplies in addition to IRC and take the place of the current Google Doc form. Players will be able to request their supplies right from the Darkmantle site and link to the latest Daily Orders and check for Announcements and current info. The supply bot is nearly complete and this will work in combination with the Roster Site. It is importantIf there are USAF Soldiers that have not yet checked it out, can access the Roster Site here

Another benefit from the combined Unit is that the the Department of Defense budget has decreased substantially. dmjohnston attributes the budget decrease in part to the drop in WRM prices. The other part is that "enderaggie, nui04, rainy sunday, and I have been working out the best way to run out supply schemes and communes to ensure we get the most bang for our buck".

Another major step for the DoD was the completion of a couple of coordinated attacks called Joint Strikes. As many available USAF Soldiers gather at a selected battlefield at a specific time and deal major damage to an enemy. This has proven effective in helping nations that we have favorable relations with or even nations that we have a Mutual Protection Pact (MPP) with. Arm America which is a program that provides eUS Citizens with weapons for specific battles was also activated during the Joint Strikes and was very successful. SecDef dmjohnston said to “expect to see more of that”.