Update on Government Companies

Day 870, 13:51 Published in Israel Israel by eIsrael Government

Hi everyone in Israel, it is me, mrsjholiday giving an update on the government run companies. I am proud to say that as of late alot more companies in Israel are hiring the new workers. Due to this reason, there has not been alot of new players hired on by our government.

The average wage for new players and old players is on the rise. About time that the ecomony turned around a bit.

If I could make one suggestion for the Knesset, I would suggest that we get rid of the food company and maybe look at getting a gift company instead. The reason I state this is due to the new mech in the game. Q1 food is basically worthless and helps no one. Almost everyone needs to purchase atleast Q2 now. Where as the need to gift to new players is increasing. By getting rid of the food company and purchasing a gift company, I believe that this would be a better use of the governments money and will help out more new players, then the food company. Just a suggestion.

Another suggestion for all business owners, if you are a Q2 or higher company, please dont list job offers to new players. They dont have the funds to purchase the food needed to survive. Please stick to skill level 3 or higher. This way we are not killing off our new players. Just a suggestion.

Any way, I hope everyone is having a blessed day and enjoying the week. I know I am as the weather is awesome here right now. Boyah!! So until my next update, enjoy and just find a way to have some fun in the game. Dont take it sooooooooooo serious.
