Ukrainian expansion

Day 714, 13:54 Published in Serbia Serbia by Vuk iz Sumice

This one is going out to all my army homies 😃 Just kidding, like I always do. This is going to drag long and have loads of images, so if you are not ready for a torment, and have problems with monitor radiation, skip it please. It’s for your own good.

Izvinjavam se svojim citaocima sto menjam tematiku, ovo je za moje prijatelje iz vojske eUkrajine (I apologize to my readers for changing thematics, this is for my friends from UA army).Now, let’s get on with it. In all attacks, I will consider perfection in timing of small, yet very organised army you possess, and the attack timing, right before the others go to sleep, so you would have a starting advantage, and a sleepless night, like many of us did for Slavonia. 😃 And I will act as if you had the ammount of money needed to pull through all this. Nothing personal, really…🙂

***PART I***Ukraine vs PEACE

Since eUkraine is almost an EDEN country and I really don’t understand why… (But then again, I am not being objective since my homeland Serbia is a vital PEACE member.) Let’s take into account that you want to wage war against PEACE:
You can attack Hungary and/or Russia. These would be epic fails of massive proportions since they both have 4 times your population – and active citizens, let’s say twice more. Besides, you would be activating their MPPs and starting wars with countries all around the globe because those are original territories.
Let’s see the possibilities shall we:
1) Ukraine attacks Hungary from Subcarpathia in Northern Great Plain (wow, all this sounds kinda like playing Risk, doesn’t it? 😃 ):
Population: 502
Wall: 50.200
Possibility of victory exists in the event of a simultaneous attack on Russia by the USA and Poland, and Croatia attacking Serbia, and Romania attacking Hungary. Now these are quite complex circumstances, but if Romania were to organize an attack at the same region your attack would be a secondary priority compared to them. So chances are 1/10, but better than none. All in all these are probably the best chances you have against Hungary.

2) Ukraine attacks Hungary from Subcarpathia in Northern Hungary:
Population: 1218
Wall: 133980
Also the same circumstances would be needed, but this is too high a wall for you to break. It would take a lot for you to even get it into underground, and then you would have been forced back by the Hungarian regular population not even going to battles after hospital.
3) Ukraine attacks Russia from Donbas in North Caucasus:
Population: 105
Wall: 10500
Economically, the best thing you can do since it is a high oil region. Also, the easiest frontier you can conquer. Wall can be destroyed by 20 people not going to fights after hospital, and you would have a decent advantage if the USA were to use their MPPs and influence in calling out to everyone to attack Russia during the day before to make your battle have fewer defenders.
This is the battle you may actually win. And it would make me really proud to see you do it. But, NO, you have no chances to defend it even if you were to do it. Besides, in activating all those MPPs against you, you would become Russia’s province in a matter of days. They are lately being less of a team player, and more of an imperialistic force not to be trifled with.
4) Ukraine attacks Russia from Siveria/Donbas/Sloboda in Central Black Earth:
Population: 261
Wall: 26100
Second easiest battle you can manage. Russia probably wouldn’t really care about it, since they have turned their production toward iron from grain. But, you know how Russians are. Mother Russia and all that… 🙂 Personally, I think it’s a beautiful thing to be a patriot, it’s not said to tease anyone, and it’s more of a warning: Do not touch a dorment volcano! Or it will burn your behind.
5) Ukraine attacks from Siveria in Moscow and Central Russia:
Population: 4006
Wall: 600900
This region is the equivalent of an American Florida. Ridicilous as it is to attempt – economically costly, it is also silly to believe Russia would even have trouble defending it. For it would take all of Ukraine to fight against Russia and no defense to be organised. Also, I would like to remind everyone how it was back in the days of Kiev liberation (the Heroes’ city). Now imagine an average Russian drinking votka, kicking back, and opening “Active wars”, to see his capital attacked. (The stereotype is used as a joke, and is not intended to insult everyone. I learn Russian at school and appreciate their culture; I am not an ignorant hick!)

To sum up: you are not going to win against PEACE. You are not a country that has merely close enough man power to pull it off. And we all learnt that it’s all about the numbers here. Pure maths…And let’s face it, if countries were cards, you would be an eight – not a loser that’s not in poker, yet not a morphing ace that has no higher above him, and no lower beneath him (in terms of blackjack).

***PART II***Ukraine vs EDEN

Now, let’s imagine you were crazy enough to fight against EDEN. And I think you’d have much better chances here, but let’s ask Mr. Chuck Norris how he feels about it…Oh, sorry! He’s busy lifting the chair he’s sitting on. 🙂 I will consider that PEACE (rea😛 Serbia and Russia) is blocking Croatia for you in Slavonia, and USA/Canada in Alaska (whoever owns that state that has more owners that that girl in the dark alley).
So, you are bordering Poland, Romania, Moldavia and Slovakia. I’ll start, I can see you are bored already:
1) Ukraine attacks Slovakia in Eastern Slovakia:
Population: 54
Wall: 5400
“Silly Slovaks, what is wrong with them?! Thinking they can defend like this. Yeah, right…They are the hosts of EDEN war games. So, NO! Bad president! Don’t push that “attack” button, boy…” I don’t even want to say that you would be humiliated in the eyes of the world by losing Podolia to them. Even I would laugh at the stupidity. You would also loose all of your MPPs so Poland would probably ask for some high grain in Volhynia. 🙂
2) Ukraine attacks Poland in Little Polan😛
Population: 1589
Wall: 222460
Little Poland is a fort region, to say the least. Also, the force guarding it is one of the backbones of EDEN. And they have many favours to claim from their friends whom they have helped everywhere. They can smite all of your resistance wars, and you would be their slut until they are bored and return all but high regions to you, saying they are allies, like always in the history of the eWorld.
3) Ukraine can not attack Romania/Moldavia anywhere because of the peace treaty signed and it lasts until the end of this year if I remember correctly.
To sum up, don’t go against bigger alliances. You are not made for it yet. Now, let us return to point 3 in the second part. The agreement made here is an interesting one indeed. It leads us to the third part.

***PART III***Ukraine the double-agent aka the playa state 🙂

This requires some gray matter. All those with low IQ levels, please reffer to the “x” button in the upper right corner of your screen. 🙂
Ukraine vs Hungary and Serbia
Say what?! You really think we can beat countries number 1 and 6 by experience, and 2 and 3 by population. A man once sai😛 “Yes we can!” Sorry, Mr for stealing your campaign motto, but the temptation was simply far too great for a mere mortal. 😃
This situation requires the following:
Romania is simultaneously attacked by the PEACE countries of Serbia and Hungary, while Croatia is having damage diverted by the Slovenians, the USA by the Russians, Romania by the Bulgarians and Greece by the Turks. Since Ukraine is already in war with Serbia and Hungary, you do not need to make a war declaration in congress. Stealth: Achieved! 😃
Now, Serbia and Hungary win in Banat, Maramures and Crisana. Honestly, it’s a possibility, but an optimistic one. 😃 So, they keep the offensive and attack in Romania whatever, just to keep them on defense. Then Ukraine miracleously pops in. You attack all of the regions won by the Serbs and Hungarians, thus:
a) Stopping Romania from regaining them;
b) Conquering something;
c) Perhaps even get a baby boom after such a moral booster;
d) Protect Hungary from silly Romanians, and if Serbia were to attack Oltenia and win, protect Serbia;
e) Finally, you are the country that broke the Romania=superpower myth.

Territorial expansion: Achieved!
Ex-ocuppiers funds gone and infrastructure partially destroyed. Not to mention being ridiculed by the eWorld, even allies. Payback: MAXIMUM! 😃