To anyone who wants to break free

Day 4,177, 11:48 Published in India Croatia by Vijayakrishna

Well, not a poet but new kid in the block had some decent lines, let me pick on some of his 😉

All that's left are a few and am not here to count when it ends,
Few and far are they, still near my heart are they,
Stand with all the way, I carry you in thoughts every day,
Stand in the way, may well be a hurdle hop on the way,
on the way in the life, if I haven't struggled, it ain't life at all,
start with a struggle to start and end with one to let go,
Gone to live my way, gone are the days I give a damn,
My work is my faith, and I ain't afraid to say it straight
Straight the way it blows, see where it takes,
take the ego to shove it straight,
Take my word along, how bad it may seem,
Seems the way till you reach all the way,
break the fear before it breaks you, dear,

To anyone who wants to break free the key is in your hands to see.