Three Men. Three Leaders. One Choice.

Day 654, 21:10 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas

There is a certain beauty and simplicity to a presidential election in eRepublic and especially in our small (Though strong!) Isle. There are three candidates. Two prominent parties holding firm ideologies and one independent and relative unknown (unknown to some, though many of the older players are very familiar with his status as a Beta).

A warrior and statesman
(Congressman, Good Worker, Super Soldier, President[Beta], Colonel)

An economist and politician
(Congressman, Super Soldier, Lieutenant)

A jack of all trades and man of the world
(Congressman, Good Worker, Super Soldier, General)

These are my assessments of them. They may not be the same as yours. I’ve listed only their medals. Each have several other accolades and I could write a book alone summing their eLives. I’ve had personal and very different relationships with each. Many of us have. We may each find our decisions “tainted” by personal bias while our finger hovers over the mouse button to vote. That is understandable; it is after all human nature… right? Perhaps we will be lucky enough to overcome that.

I mentioned beauty, simplicity and the size of our Island. We are truly blessed. The size of our Isle and the generally small vocal population makes most voices here heard. We are not drowned out in forums with thousands of posts. We are for the most part not host to trolls or spammers, and contrary to many opinions (my own at times) we are quite civil and respectful in comparison to most of the world.

The eIrish people take their “Game” seriously. We believe in the ideologies we follow, we care for our Island as we care for Éire in RL. Even our most despised adversary carries a badge of honor that our offshore friends will never match nor understand.

They are eIrish. They are our brothers and sisters.

The eIrish have a long history of accepting foreigners into our ranks, as we have been accepted all over the world. We ask only that they learn our ways and inject a little of Erin into their souls.

They become part of our family.

We have a rich history, ancient customs and a vital heritage. We are tribal in nature and we will fight for right, fight for our friends, fight for ourselves, but most of all, we will fight, and we…do… not… surrender.

Tonight as you look over the candidates one more time, and, I hope, peruse their profiles, read back issues of their newspapers and scan their manifestos and comments I hope that you will use your mind as well as your heart to make the best informed decision that you can. I hope that regardless of whether your choice is the winner that you support them, help them and lend them your hand in building a better eIreland. I hope you will consider these questions;

-Does this candidate have my best interests and the interests of eIreland at heart?

-Will this candidate hear my voice and the voice of my people?

-Will this candidate make eIreland stronger and defend her with his own blood if need be?

I hope you will hold them to their promises and speak out when they do not meet their goals. I hope that while you may vociferously disagree with them, that you will involve yourself in the process by offering suggestion and solution.

We have as of today seen a very clean race; I hope it will stay that way. I hope we are not plagued with last minute additions to the ballot. I hope that the quiet that has suffused the land for the last few days lasts and ushers in an era of intelligent and respectful debate.

I hope we make ourselves proud.