The War

Day 2,037, 14:41 Published in USA Croatia by Ashkoort

Many say there’s no strategy left in this game, but I strongly disagree. Even though it’s not as involved as it used to be, if you look closely you can see it’s still there.

There are 3 main elements important for waging wars in eRepublik:

1) Power

2) Organization

3) Moral

Power is strictly determined and limited by mathematics as the ammount of damage is matter of sheer numbers (more soldiers = more damage) and one can’t do much (in a military perspective) to change this element.

Organization is a broader concept than power and isn’t limited by anything else than human will, knowledge and work.

Moral is very abstract thing and it’s limit is determined by people. It can be easily influenced and it can be a decisive factor.

While the power is strictly determined and hard to change, Organization and Moral are completely different and leave lots of space to make a difference. Even though Power is dominant factor other elements still have enough space to make a difference every day.

Why am I writting all this?

Well, I was always interested in military part of this game and even though I no longer care for global events in eWorld since I don’t like any of existing alliances/blocks, I still follow all military events and can’t look at it this way without commenting it.

I find last couple of weeks very boring. Not because of TWO’s domination, but because of total lack of idea and will to fight from the opposing side(s).

We have two major blocks that are opposed, TWO and CoT. And even though the margin in damage between them isn’t that big, TWO is wipping floor with CoT. We can look for a reason for this in the faxt that bigger ammount of the damage coming from exEDEN countries is “working” for TWO, but it still can’t approve this kind of mess CoT and some other anti-TWO countries are facing in last couple of weeks.

What is the reason then?

Yes, CoT and anti-TWO countries lack power, but more importantly they lack organization and as a result of the latest losses, moral.

The logic is simple: when you lack power, you have to replace it by better organization which consists of more effective use of damage, superior tactics and long-term strategy that is strictly determined by its goals.

MPP battles are in most cases determined by the power of opposing sides and it’s usually hard to make a difference by organization, unless they’re parf of some broader strategy concept.

On the other hand serious RW-s offer lots of space to organisation and other elements.

Combination of more RW-s (massive RW attack, as I call them) or even RW-s with MPP battles are the highpoint of war in eRepublic as they’re the most complicated and therefore leave space for better organization to make a difference.

I will describe this kind of strategy and tactical maneuvers more detaily on couple concrete examples.


Hungary is currently occupying original regions of Ukraine, Russia and USA.
While Ukraine is proTWO country that has a rent deal with Hungary and doesn’t present a threat, Russia and USA aren’t. They are also stronger CoT countries and certaintly can threaten if they are well organized and rightly directed.

Hungary has a weak spot in Ukraine where their bonus route is very thin and more importantly hard to get restored since Ukraine has couple of same MPP-s as Hungary. Ukrainian region Subcarpathia curently held by Hungary is connecting all their non core bonuses (Ukrainian grain, fish and saltpaper and Russian Deer and Oil). Organized massive RW attack combined with Hungarian MPP battle on USA would leave them vulnerable at “home”.

With main pressure in Ukrainian RW supported by Russian and American RW along with MPP focus on Hungarian MPP attack on USA, Hungary would face dangerous situation that would have better effect for USA and Russia than individual operations against Hungary.
If initial RWs are successful, operation should continue and even get expanded by Russian attack on Hungary (if their region is liberated and when NE is free). If well organized, this kind of operation could give USA and Russia a chance to get rid of Hungary (at least for some time).


Serbia is currently occupying original regions of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Italy, France and USA. Same as Hungary, Serbia also has a weak spot in their trade route in regions such as Apulia, Aquitaine, Corsica, South Dalmatia, West Srpska Republic and Tirana. It’s very important to notice that all countries occupied by Serbia are hostile towards them and that fact is very important since it gives better chances for a successful operation.

Sheer fact that there are 6 RW-s possible in the same country is a chance for a huge pressure even for no.1 force in game, Serbia. But it also offers lots of tactical maneuvers that can expand the operation and raise the pressure. With main focus on RW in Apulia, Croatian and American RW combined with MPP focus on Serbian MPP attack on USA, Serbia could be damaged and USA would get a chance to defend itself.

If initial RW wave is successful it opens way for serious NE (such as Croatian) or drains or further RW pressure that could result with successes in other local or global fronts.


A bit different situation that the one in Hungary or Serbia, but the general principle is the same.

Argentina is a country surrounded by lots of hostile neighbors (Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Peru).

In this situation, with Brazil and Chile as main “players”, Argentinian situation can be very difficult even though their MPP set is much stronger than those of their opponents, especially because most of their allies are from Europa.

MPP battles are easier as the country directly involved in it is stronger and it’s easier to win MPP battle with Brazil or Chile than Peru or Paraguay. That’s why forcing Peru’s or Paraguay’s MPP battles is waste of damage while being the inferior side (on global level). It’s much more effective to use Peru’s or Paraguay’s RW-s and MPP battles as drain battle while focusing on those that have a chance to succeed. Instead of fighting four MPP battles, you fight two.

And by the principle win some, lose some, you pick your battle wisely and strategically with the idea of quick liberation of regions conquered by the opponent in battles used as a drain.

On the long run this kind of strategy is exhausting for the opponent and with time its power is falling and it’s possible to expand the operation and add further pressure.

These kind of operations are nothing new as they’ve been used (with more and less success) countless times before in similar situations, but it seems like people in charge of countries involved in this wars are a bit lost, without real ideas how to fight and it’s having a devastating result on moral.

I hope some things will change quickly and drastically because battles are really starting to look sad and very boring.

“Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.” - Muhammad Ali

“Therefore, just as water retains no constant shape, so in warfare there are no constant conditions. He who can modify his tactics in relation to his opponent and thereby succeed in winning, may be called a heaven-born captain." - Sun Tzu