The Place of Ethics in Politics

Day 1,552, 14:52 Published in USA USA by Firo Prochainezo


I would like to ask each and every person a question that, I feel, is a rather straightforward one:
What do you expect of the congressmen and congresswomen you elect?

Selflessness? Honesty? Activity? Perhaps a dedication to the greater good of the community? Ideas worth sharing with the rest of the country?

At the very least I would hope you would respond with something like "a sense of ethical responsibility".

Something like this

Now, if you were informed that one of your Congress members was -- instead of using his powers to further the good of the county -- using his position to earn money by selling citizenships to whomever will pay the high price?

I'm sorry to say that this has happened this term. ZaaxD, a congressman who has already been censured for selling citizenships earlier this term, has been systematically charging new citizens for approvals, without regard for which country they come from. In addition to the obvious mockery that he makes of the position he holds, this poses a huge risk to the country as a whole; nothing prevents our enemies from getting citizenship via congress members like this.

I would hope that this last image has outraged you, or at least has you muttering, "I hope someone is doing something about that." I come with this message: You can do something about this.

- Do not vote for ZaaxD or other known players that pose security risks and violate the very clear ethical standards that we expect from our Congress.
- Go a step further perhaps and actively vote against these people when they run.

This pisses me off, and if you are an upstanding citizen, I hope it does you as well.