The New Model Army

Day 1,475, 18:15 Published in USA USA by weasel2

The New Model Army is:


1) Self sufficient in food
Each soldier works at a Q5 food commune controlled by a Commissary Warrant, a soldier in his unit.
Each soldier (when fully equipped) owns and WAMs FRM buildings so that;
Each soldier transfers 500 to 1000 (depending on the resource bonus) FRMs to the CW/employer, meeting the FRM requirement for his food production.
Each soldier receives up to 100% of his food production from the CW as food to fight with.


2) Weaponed
Each soldier owns and WAMs WRM buildings so that;
Each soldier transfers 500 to 1000 WRM’s to the appropriate CW meeting the requirement for one man/day of tank production.
Each soldier receives about 65% of a man/day of tank production, the rest being sold by the CW to pay for a non-unit employee to do the weapon factory work.


Each soldier will be loaned needed cash to buy land and build the required RM production buildings. This process is envisioned as a series of no-interest loans.
Each soldier will pay this loan back by being credited for the FRMs he transfers to the CW. He might also have his food allotment reduced to 80% of his production and the non-supplied food sold by the CW and credited toward the loan.
A like credit for transferred WRMs and reduction in his weapons allotment , the non-supplied weapons being sold by the CW, is also credited to the soldier’s loan.


Each soldier without debt will receive as salary for his food and WRM production a share of the funds credited to the unit by the sponsor. Examples of sponsors include the USAF, the eUS Military, the OMS. An alternative to a cash salary might be a donation of .19 gold to the soldier to be used in strength training.


Each soldier has or is paying for the land and buildings he has, using those buildings to produce RM’s for food and tanks that he consumes in fighting.


About Commissary Warrants:
These soldiers serve as QMs for their soldier/employees, perhaps also having unit wide duties. They could be the first line officer for soldier/employees and their duties include tracking and reporting the work, fights and loan balances of their charges. Like all officers, they would help keep the soldier in the game. The soldiers/employees could be helpful as the CW’s staff, helping the CW in a wide range of projects.