The Gypsy Caravan IV ~ How Noob-Boob Became Boob-Man [India]

Day 728, 22:14 Published in India India by Mav10 DK
Statutory Warning: All stunts performed by professional geek, Mav. Attempts at Short Articles have failed. Read at your own leisure! Do Not Try This In Your Forum or In Game. Smart-alecs beware; my words bite.
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Day 729 | Article #17 | Version 1.2 | Tag: Gypsy Caravan, World Tribe, Comedy |

> The Gypsy Caravan Chronicles
> The Gypsy Caravan IV ~ How Noob-Boob became Boob-Man
> Previous publications
> Dedication

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The Gypsy Caravan Chronicles
This is a travelling story. It's goal is to take a journey of wisdom around the e-world. If you like where it's going, then continue the story by putting a link to this article at the top of your article, name your article the same as this one -- "The Gypsy Caravan" -- and continue the story. Also put this notice at the top of your story.

Do read the following to catch the story trail:
~ The Gypsy Caravan I by Phoenix Quinn
~ The Gypsy Caravan II by Arjay Phoenician
~ The Gypsy Caravan III by Manong Rizal

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The Gypsy Caravan IV ~ How Noob-Boob Became Boob-Man

There once lived a Man and a Who-man. They were good and kind. On Day of 490, as the sun shone on this particular kind man, Noob-Boob was born.

Now Noob-Boob was a confused little Boob. He wasn't particularly clever, and wasn't particularly fortunate either. Noob-Boob couldn't see too well, and on top of that, the storks of fate had dropped little Boob off in a foreign land, where Persian was the talk of the day (and not a letter he knew of the language). Boob longed for his parent-land, the land of Man and Who-man. Noob-Boob was sad. He was also hungry.

He was hungry for food, but more so for knowledge and wisdom. This hunger kept him going, and traversing great plains, and quite tall mountains Noob-Boob reached the land of his fore-Boobies! Oh what joy!!

Noob-Boob quickly sought out other Boobs! He even liked them very much. In his joy and excitement, he ran through the corridors of the Borums and the Biyrsee, spoke in rapid Boobspeak and gorged on all the words and eligible text he could read with his blurry vision, stuffing his little and not-so-bright head with as much knowledge of the Boobie-world as possible!

Boob's excitement knew no bounds, but somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew there was something missing. He was still very short-sighted and felt he had more to do in the world than be a Noob-Boob.

Where did Noob-Boob's true calling lie then, you ask?

You see, Boob's hunger for knowledge knew no bounds. He would press his nose against the books and texts, read and read and read; he made friends with like-minded boobs, poets, and philosophers, warriors and even the Gods, artistic boobs and diplomatic boobs. One fine and good Day, Noob-Boob chanced upon a string of words, a journal by a certain Doctor ~ A Grain of Sand it was called. Now a certain wise man had once told Noob-Boob, 'the grain is the desert, and the desert is in the grain.' Boob knew not what he had meant, but only that the Doctor must have met the wise man also. He felt the Doctor must be knowing truths, knowledge that still eluded Noob-Boob. This 'Doctor Phoenician' as they called him, from the Land of Who, Why and Why-Not, spoke of ideas in his journal, that Noob-Boob had only dreamt of, thoughts that had floated past Boob's head but never anchored on its shore. The Doctor also knew the language of Noob!

So it was that Noob-Boob decided to call on the Doctor. As the door to the Doctor's house opened, lo behold - this was not the doctor, but a fair maiden, a Who-man, Lady Rainy from the Land of Who, Why & Why-Not, Doctor Phoenician's soul device. She welcomed Noob-Boob, and told him the Doctor's tale. Apparently Lady Rainy was also a soothsayer. She told him of the prophecy - how the good Doctor was destined to lead many a common Noob-Boob to the righteous path! She told him of how the Doctor met Noob the ostrich, who would someday be known as SuperNooba, the Saviour of all Noobs! Noob, who had descended from a long line of noobs, was yet unaware of his true nature. She told him that the doctor was aware of the great potential of Noobs like Noob & how the Doctor was on the journey to awaken the Noobhood in Noob the ostrich and other Boobs.

Lady Rainy then told Noob-Boob another secret - the true identity of Noob-Boob... apparently it was destined that Noob-Boob would someday become none other than... BOOB-MAN!! Taadaaa!!! However, Lady Rainy foretold - it would require - for one, Noob-Boob to meet the Doctor in person, realize his true calling himself and Build a Tribe of Noob-Boobs. And the path was fraught with danger, shadows lurking in the dark, all under the watchful eye of.... the Banhammer, who was apparently as much about equal opportunity as the Reaper.

So it was that on hearing this strange soothsaying, our brave hero, Noob-Boob set out once more, in search of the good Doctor. Noob-Boob was a good Boob and he was sure that staying on the path of good would save him from all harm. Little did he know what was in store! And with the words of Lady Rainy echoing in his head, 'Find the Doctor, Build a Tribe, Become the Boob-man you are meant to be', Noob-Boob reached the pagoda, where the Doctor had been predicted to be at.

As he stood before the giant doorway, he saw the door, with a golden knob, slightly ajar. He peeked, quite tentatively, with bated breath to see inside, and right then: a FLURRY OF FEATHERS; an OSTRICH ran shooting out of the doorway, rushed past him, even nodding his head at Noob-Boob, and ran at breakneck speed across the empty Marketplace. But Noob-Boob, in spite of not being too clever, had a hunger - no, not for ostrich but for knowledge. As the ostrich rushed past, Noob-boob saw the same hunger in the ostrich's eyes. In that instant Noob-Boob knew this was the Noob Lady Rainy had spoken about.

Noob-Boob ran after Noob, hailing his name, but Noob had trained long and hard; and almost outran Noob-Boob. Just as he thought he had lost Noob the ostrich, Noob-Boob saw his saw him run into what looked like a building with stars painted on them, and a banner saying Q5. Exhausted, Noob-boob ran up to the house. There through the window he saw the Doctor! Finally his quest had not been in vain, he thought! Now I shall have my answers, now maybe my moment of realization! As he moved closer, towards the house, the wind picked up, and the clouds gathered; Noob-Boob saw Noob, the ostrich gesturing to Doctor in all excitement, relaying a new adventure it seemed, and the Doctor with a knowing smile, listening to Noob; and the Doctor looked up.

For a moment, their visions met. For Noob-Boob it was a huge moment, as for the first time, he could see clearly, no more blurred vision, no more low wellness, and the words rang in his head, 'Find the Doctor, Build a Tribe'! The Doctor as he looked at Noob-Boob- a flicker of recognition crossed his eyes, as if he had been expecting Noob-Boob already. Finally Noob-Boob had reached, well almost reached his destination...

And then it fell. The Banhammer, in the epitome of its unjustness shrouded Noob-Boob in a cloud of darkness, engulfed him and within a moment, Noob-Boob was no more. The soulless machinery of the Hammer had mistaken Noob-Boob for a Multiple-Boob and no amount of fire in Noob-Boob's words or his thoughts could change that. For Noob-Boob, it felt like a betrayal, all the effort of the ages down the drain. Noob-Boob had failed his mission and his friends. After all, Noob-Boob wasn't particularly clever or fortunate, and this was but coming to him.

Yet there was a fact Noob-Boob did not realize. The moment the eyes of the Doctor and Noob-Boob had met, that moment the wisdom locked up in him, the knowledge of mechanics of the quest had been revealed to Noob-Boob. From beyond the grave Noob-Boob saw his allies, and friends fight for his cause, and raise a toast or two in his memory.

Noob-Boob realized the quest wasn't over. It'll never be over till Noob-Boob decides to call it a Day or in this case, NOT call it a Day. And so it was that Noob-Boob was reborn.

This time however, he was no longer Noob-Boob, but he was born as BOOBMAN, defender of all Noobs, and Boobs, a storehouse of knowledge and wisdom, no more just a Noob. A man among Boobs! His fortune had finally changed. A mortal died and paved the way for a true-Boob!

His story of course does not end there, or nowhere near it. He finally got in touch with the Doctor, and they Did build the Tribe, a World Tribe, and along with SuperNoob, Doctor Phoenician, Lady Rainy and others, they hope to create a safe haven for many such Boobs like them!! The Tribe would also go on many an adventure together, but folks, that's another Gypsy Caravan Tale!

Mav aka MDK
Editor, The Dodge Chronicles

Thanks to all my readers. Please leave a comment below, or PM me here, so I may know you better, and improve my publication.

First Knight, The DODGE Order

My Blog: Revolution[10]

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The Philosophy of eIndia ~ Respect: A Tribute to eRepublik ~ eRepublik Admin on Twitter: "the article is close to a definition of what eRepublik should represent to the bigger part of the player-base. Respect!" / Make Each Day Count / Spiderman / eFreedom - Are You A Free Citizen? / Rules of the Game ~ A Manual for all Citizens of the eWorld, running for Congress / Do I sound Prime Ministerial enough? / I AM HERE!!! [Part I] / I am Game!

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RESPECT for eUSA! Respect for my fellow Tribe members, especially Arjay, Phoenix, Rainy and all my friends! May we dance forever!


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