The Gods of eAustria [Prince of Austria]

Day 1,655, 09:18 Published in Austria Austria by Prince of Austria
Its an interesting story, so read it whole! 🙂

Lot of u might not know the whole history of eAustria. Its a long story, but i think we have some time to spare. There were many Gods there in the past, and i might say, now too. It all began when i came to eAutria.

Then there was one trully God, God of War, God of everything, AliasSun. He was the president of the country back then, the helpful guy who is always curious what others have to say. A trully good and honest person. True diplomat when its about eAustria and its goals.
Final Decision: God of Friendship

There is another God, God who likes jokes and pranks, guy who will allways make u smile when u are sad, a guy u can always depend. Probably u already know who i'm talking about... LarsUlrich87.
Final Decision: God of Troll

Another God is just aroound the corner. I'm gonna make it easy.. This God was the one that helped me, helped others and will always help the ones that are in need. Fighting for the country he loves, even though its not his RL country, he loves it as it is. Favourite food Doner.. ERDONI!
Final Decision: God of Doner

Fourth God is the one that is the brightest, and smartest person in eAustria, as long as u ask me. Six times president, not everyone can do that. Great president, always thinks best for the country. I know u already know who i'm talking about. Rangeley!
Final Decision: God of Wisdom

Another God of eAustria is Vreath. Fighting hard for his country, gives all his best to protect her, no matter the cost. Bazookas, tanks, rockets... they are all good if he is the one using them. A cheerful person in RL but a real God of War in game. His name is not made up, as it seems.
Final Decision: God of War

More Gods of eAustria will be included in the next article.. 🙂