The fur and the future

Day 2,882, 06:50 Published in India Croatia by Vijayakrishna
Stepping out of the place, I find the woman who gave me blood and flesh, care and comfort, sleeping peacefully in what she calls as home...

The conspicuous house reminds me of the man whose toil made my pot full all these days..

Dragging my feet down the street to the tree which strangely appeared to be my companions till now with arms wide open seeing me..

All these made me what 'I' am today. All these, are strangely or may be more aptly, my identity.

But how long am 'I' going to let all these ties bind me? Are these really binding me or are these the legs that I am walking with?

Here I am, at the end of the village, under the open skies, what shall be my next step?

Look at that star, I would touch it one day, my wings made of my will can take me there, but the pillars that supported me all the while now, need my support.

What am I going to do? Fly away to the unreachable heights leaving all that is mine for what could be be mine??

Shall I dump the wishes of the lady who infused life into me for warmth of fur?

Can I forgive myself if the eyes of that man sweats now cause of me?

Can I forget all those moments of their company and move on to the future?