The Current Situation of the CSD

Day 538, 20:50 Published in Canada Canada by Nosyt

During the recent presidential election, the CSD suffered the loss of her PP Cleomynestra Cathak, and the loss of much of the public’s confidence. However rest assured that the CSD is neither down nor out and has in fact grown from this experience and next elections we will be back better than before.

Before departing the eWorld, Cleo entrusted the responsibilities of PP to Dabman. Under his semi-official leadership, Dabman has begun reorganizing the party for the better and has thus far met with success. Players are more active than I have ever seen before and once we find a communications officer (the job is still open for any active member of the CSD, please apply at the forums for this vital position) activity will most assuredly increase.

Dabman is an industrious politician who during the last election, organized the first election poll and served as an excellent guest speaker during the debates. He’s decisions have thus far been intelligent and based on his own judgment plus the concerns of others. Supportive, approachable and my favorite, honorable are a few of his amiable traits. As mentioned above, as the semi-official leader of the CSD, he has met with success. This election let’s make him our official leader so he can live up to his potential.

Dabmans PP ticket may be viewed here:

All CSD members who have not already done so please register at the forums so you can stay informed in what your party is up to