The Congressional Elections an I

Day 637, 13:49 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Karacticus

Well very shortly another round of congress elections will be upon us.

I'll be running again in Wales and will in due course put out my manifesto.

Last time around I managed to get in by the skin of my teeth and I'd say that it'll be the same again this month.

Wales has some very strong candidates in the mix this time round. Maddog_Jones who narrowly missed out last time, Silent_Hero and Robert W are all excellent candidates.

We have all worked hard to establish some order into the>Welsh Regional forum and our next step over the coming month will be to start asking all non forum Welsh residents to get over and say hello.

I will be representing the TUP at the next elections but I would urge any Welsh residents to send me a message and have a chat with me. I'm always around and if you need help I'll do my best.

I'm also working in the MoHa and would ask you to get your backsides over to the> MoHa Caption Competition. If you can be funny you may win some shiny prizes.

I'd also like to invite folks to come and write articles for this here paper. If your any good and you fancy getting paid for interesting stuff then drop me a line.