The Bitter Truth / Wake up Call.

Day 1,781, 02:47 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by TheJakal

My fellow Pakistanis,

It's been many long months that I have been playing this game and it has been an amazing time whilst playing this game.

However I continue to notice one thing, that less and less people give a shit about what is happening in ePakistan. The only time we cry about unity and working as a team when congress elections or presidential elections come up.

Its kind of sad really because the rest of the time, we are doing our own things.

In this game, those of you reading this are ecitizens of ePakistan, which means you are a part of the community in ePakistan which means your actions or rather your lack of actions have a direct impact on the future of ePakistan.

I have not seen many articles in fact hardly any, where the average citizen of ePakistan demands to know what is going on? I have not seen a single message or article that the Senate is not doing its job by keeping the government accountable.

We appoint candidates, the tenure passes, some campaign promises are kept some are not and we go back into the same circle. It is like no one wants to be the Country President, or the Minister of Foreign Affairs, or the Minister of Defence and so and so forth.

This is very sad as this way the ecitizens will be ruled by the minority and will be like sheep or drones.

It is honestly time that some of you start waking up and start asking questions and demanding results.

Your vote counts.

Your voice counts.

You count.