Day 2,400, 08:50 Published in India Croatia by Vijayakrishna
Reporting from Yuuva Headquarters.
The swearing in ceremony of Vijayakrishna as Party president of Yuuva happened without much fuss. The party surprisingly decided not to have a big celebration.
Our sources say Vijay has started to show his mark on the Party already and wanted to keep matters simple. Eminent persons from all over the country attended the oath taking.

There was clear jealousy in faces of other party leaders when they saw the gathering and following Yuuva has.

RFTA reacted showing finger to them, while previous president Jason tried his best to keep atmosphere lively with his positive attitude.

Another surprise came when media was informed that they can cover the internal meeting of Yuuva that was going to follow.
No other opposition party members were seen to comment on this new development and we found Ananthu,

Note : Underage kids should not booze 😛

Party Secretary General, Rudraneel said in a non-formal conversation that Yuuva has always given importance to transparency and today they have taken it a step forward.

Vijay who addressed the meeting in capacity as president for the first time, thanked all those who have supported the party and wished that Yuuva will lead India to glory once again.

After some heated discussion, Sher Singh brought out the topic of whom Yuuva should support as next CP.

As all waited for Vijay to speak, he said *Ofcourse I have already thought of it and with your persmission, I would like to propose our RS4321 as next CP candidtate. I have faith in his eCom….*

*Ah RS4, what are you doing? This is not proper way to show your gratitude, leave my legs, no, no, leave them, you are a CP candidate and this going to media….*

Broken1 who was first to recover from this incident asked media to stop their coverage and all lights were taken out.
RS4 was subdued somehow and tied up with chains, to stop him falling on feet of every person of Yuuva….

*Oh no! our Cameras!* *RUN! RFTA IS ON LOOSE* 😛