The Anti Bullying,Sexism and Racial Discrimination Proposal

Day 648, 00:16 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas

Congressman Boru et al,

This letter is to formally apologize for my public attack in your thread contained here:

[Original thread deleted by author]

I will not address the comments directly, only say that I was out of line and beg your pardon. Emotions run high on our Isle as of late and I let my temper get the best of me. I ask your forgiveness and your cooperation in an honorable venture.

I would like to extend a hand of fraternity in the defence of eIreland and offer you an opportunity to helm the reconstruction of the eIrish soul and make the first true strides to non-partisan reunification.

I propose that you Mr. Boru spearhead a referendum in congress to censure those who bullied, bandied and otherwise slandered and assaulted Colonel Grainne Ni Mhaille, Former dMoD and de-facto MoD. leader and cleaner-upper of the Shannon Exercise, CoS, CO and heroine of Eire and the eWorld.

Though impractical in application it would set the tone that this behavior is unacceptable and intolerable; it would send a fitting message to a national treasure that though perhaps lost, should be honored and not forgotten.

Further it would set the tone for future debate and the boundaries of good taste and tolerance of which we have both skirted and found ourselves wanting.

Will you do this Mr. Boru? Will you use your power to reinstall faith in our leaders in a time of crisis, dare I say national mourning?

Will you push this referendum through the red tape sir? Will you show the eIrish people that heart and honor are alive in the Dáil?

To aid you in your endeavor I direct your attention here to a proposal by Congressman Jebbs:'>
The Anti Bullying,Sexism and Racial Discrimination Proposal

Though this legislation is already on the floor. I request that Colonel Ni Mhaille be honored in its name and urge all citizens to read the comments of your elected representatives. I have taken the liberty of saving all existing comments to hardcopy for posterity and will surrender such if requested.

Restore our faith sir. I beg you.

Leaders of eIreland

For the Leadership as a whole I ask you to break from current form and address the following matters here in a public forum.

1. What is the state’s stance in response to the outcry of support for Colonel Ni Mhaille and condemnation of the despicable citizens who debased her as she valiantly maintained her dedication to Erin to the very last?

2. Who will replace 05637716 (AKA Digits) as Minister of Information?

Your time is valuable, your response is appreciated, heartening and woefully needed.

Very Respectfully,

Lieutenant Donovan Thomas

[Edits made due to broken link and to ensure credit to Congressman Jebbs is properly noted]