Supplier 1 is closed see you next time!

Day 1,216, 12:28 Published in Canada Israel by cyber ninja

I'm back. I didn't run out of supplies yesterday so I'm gonna give more out today. There is a new rule that you will get supplied 20 Q1/ 4 Q5 food if you are under level 10 or you don't have a military unit. The rest will get the normal.

Thank you to all of you who have donated for this. Here is how much supply I have:

280 Q1 food
20 Q5 food

Here's what will happen:

1. You comment a request for food
2. I give you 10 Q1/ 2 Q5 food or 20Q1/ 4 Q5 food depending on level^
3. You fight in the war for Resistance War for Canada
