Sunday Night Shall be EPIC

Day 1,423, 11:29 Published in Canada Canada by Nosyt

A few weeks ago, I proposed those of us in EPIC attempt to organize a fight night. This idea is something I’ve stolen from America’s United Independent Party, because I thought it was p cool. However, be it technical difficulties, a lack of time or just my tendency to procrastinate, I’ve put the project off for about 3 weeks now 😛

I’ve always been a fan of coordinated fighting. Back when we had the old wall, meeting up at a specific time to hit that fight button and make a difference as a group meant a lot to me. Now that battles don’t have a specific ending, it’s difficult to establish a set time, but I’d still like to give it a shot. Now before I lose your attention let’s insert a relevant image.

Between 16-17:00 erep time eCanadians can come to #EPICan where I’ll be distributing any tanks or food you may need. If you don’t know about IRC I would highly recommend you look into it. A great guide to using IRC can be read here If you get a chance, come try it out, we’ll be fighting as a group to see how much we can move that influence bar.

Following the period of free stuff and blowing things up, EPIC members will be meeting to discuss, well just about anything. It’s a chance to promote activity within the party as well as open discussion, which helps define us as a political party. So if you find yourself free sometime between 7-9 PM EST this Sunday drop in and check it out; decisions are made by people who show up! If you can’t make it but there is something you’d like us to discuss, post us a comment here.