Strange Pet Laws

Day 3,824, 01:25 Published in India Armenia by Bombay bomb

Lets face it, we all have had pets as kids or desired them at some point of time. But are you aware of these strange pet laws?

In the city of Turin, Italy, you are required to walk your dog at least three times a day or risk a hefty fine.

In Saudi Arabia, walking a dog in public is illegal.

Dogs are almost completely banned, with the exception of working dogs.

China enforces a one dog policy, in which every family is restricted to one dog, should they choose to have one. Additionally, all dogs must be under 14 inches in height.

Small dogs are becoming increasingly popular due to a loophole in German tax laws, which allow any dog under 10 pounds to be taxed at the same rate as a rodent – one third the rate.

In Switzerland, you must pass a test and take a practical training class in order to have a dog. If you are a first-time dog owner, you have to take a theoretical class apart from a practical training class. ( Maybe Rican can enlighten us! )

In Little Rock, Arkansas, US, your dog cannot bark after 6 pm. It’s the law!

Anyone caught making “ugly faces” at a dog in Oklahoma, US, is subject to fines or even jail time. The dogs surely appreciate it, but enforcing this rule can’t be easy. Can someone define “ugly faces”? I sure have seen some ugly faces! Ok sorry! 😛

Source: Daily Treat