Still Hungry?

Day 1,304, 17:38 Published in Ireland Ireland by Sweet Drinker

So, Plato has hit us with yet another change and all I can say is:

Players health-pool will be recharged several times a day. This really throws some weight behind the recent 'town halls & personal hospitals' addition.

Over the past 2 months the media has been full of angry articles about recent game mechanics changes. So I feel it's only fair there is at least one article applauding a true advancement to the game!

What does it mean for us?
Just in case you can't be arsked or are just too drunk to think it through:

Loads more food and weapons can be consumed. Far more than traditional commune systems will be able to provide for. Demand, ergo prices on the markets will soar.

This large scale buying will cause some demand for currency. Something that has been painfully lacking!


But more importantly:
The potential battle influence of the common player has been increased X4 (actually a lil more considering 'work health deductions')

'God Tanks' will ofc still operate in God-Mode, but their global impact will be highly offset by the damage of the masses.
Finally, common folks like us can have a combined impact:


Realistically the economy is not going to bounce back to V1 levels (which even then ppl complained about), but it will save it from complete annihilation.

Will this save Ireland from being wiped? It's probably too late for that unfortunately. But over time this will have a positive impact for our allies and by extension us. TERRA&EDEN do not have the benefit of as many God-Tanks as their foes, therefore this change benefits us slightly more.

Sw33t's Thoughts:
It will ofc take time to measure the full impact of these changes. Both economic and militarily.
IMO the most positive effect of today's change is the potential to restore player's faith in erepublik. The bad press game mechanics have gotten for some time now was staggering. But looking back over recent changes: free low-grade co's, changes in mechanic's payments, loss of work skill, there is at least some degree of mathematical sense to them, painful though they were.

In Short, the world isn't perfect but it got a hell-of-a-lot better today!