State of eBelgium survey

Day 3,013, 19:57 Published in Belgium Belgium by Curlybear


It's been quite a while since I posted anything in this newspaper and even longer since it had any actual content in it (you can check, you might find that there is actually no real content at all). Some of you might know me by my work in the past few governments as minister of national security and home affairs. Others know me as the immigration officer of eBelgium, who took up the torch after Tensa resigned a few months ago. Some others might recognize my name as that one guys that kept on being elected PP of ATO without doing anything (totally true to be honest, I just did the minimum required to keep it afloat). Then there Olympus belgicae, for which I've been the Commander for so long I can't even remember when I took on that role. Only those that are members are familiar with my day to day involvement in this game, managing supplies and making sure my comrades have what they need.

So that's enough about me and my ego-centrism (which I hope to be excused for I don't often get the opportunity to let it out 😁 let's get to the point of the article.

As some (most?) of you must have noticed, eBelgium is not in a good place right now. Not only is our community getting smaller each month (I have numbers attesting so if some of you are interested) we are fighting each others on almost every subject possible. This has created a schism among the eBelgian community. We now have two communities fighting each other for the right over a piece of virtual land and (let's admit it) ridiculously small power. A few years ago this wasn't such an issue, each communities had it's motivated members driving the others to work and keep the other side sharp and vigilant. Underhanded politics and vile tactics were every days bread and butter, and this from both sides. We had conflict sure, but we had activity. This activity has been dying down at the same rhythm as those leaders left either eBelgium or the game completely. Now each side is effectively represented by a handful of people, which themselves can't assume the role of keeping the activity up by themselves.

What I propose here is not a solution, I don't think one person alone could come up with something that'd change the flaw of things as they are now. No I'm proposing, maybe selfishly, is to survey what everybody thinks, feels and wants of eBelgium. I won't try to limit this to eBelgians only as many of the people who actually care about this country don't have the nationality.

For that effect I put up together a survey which contains a few questions. No it's not anonymous (even though you could enter anything in the identification field), I feel it's important to understand the answers to know who it's coming from. The answers themselves won't be made public even though I might extract a few answers in a follow up article to illustrate a point, but I'd do so without giving out the name of the author.

Here is the link : survey

I honestly hope more than two people will answer and that I'll get opinions from all our players and not only a sub-community of these.

Thanks you for reading,
ʕ ͡·ᴥ ͡· ʔ