State Dept Update

Day 2,414, 19:12 Published in USA USA by Dave Gulya


State Department Update

Dave Gulya, Deputy SecMed

I asked WildOwl, our Secretary of State for an update of our current Foreign Affairs situation, he provided the following statement:

"Pacifica, which has been initiated as a two country alliance between eUSA and eRussia brings us back together with one of our oldest bros and strongest allies, Russia in an official alliance. Both the USA and Russia have a vested interest in stability in the Pacific region and we look forward to working alongside them to tackle the various challenges that face our nations in the New World. A unified approach towards issues will be the key in the coming months to make Pacifica grow into a strong alliance, and we believe that we have laid a stable foundation for this."

Many patriotic Citizens have already showed their support by shouting:
Hail USA!
Hail Russia!
Hail Pacifica!