Stand Proud, Brothers!

Day 2,294, 20:38 Published in Canada Canada by Xander Kross

Our loathsome neighbors to the south have had enough of our kicking their doors in every time they leave the house. They come to us with terms of peace.

"Quit RWing our iron and saltpeter 🙁 "

It saddens me that this situation has devolved to the point where it must be solved with diplomacy. We've all enjoyed the fighting and constant war. We've earned some medals and had some laughs and bathed in sweet Yankee blood. And it appears that we've worn them down.

Their terms will almost certainly include continued American occupation of Quebec and British Columbia, in order to maintain their precious resource bonus. But that is not all they will demand of us. I guarantee it.

They also want to tell us who we can have as friends.

Unacceptable. Goodness knows I am the last person anyone would want to put in charge of diplomacy, but I have a few terms that I firmly believe should be part of the peace deal.

1. The eUSA government must accept that they have no say in our foreign policy-making when dealing with any other country except eUSA. If we wanted Americans writing our laws and choosing our allies, we would have elected them into our government. We ally with eSerbia because eSerbia stands opposed to our historic enemies. We don't tell them they must sever ties with SPoland and SIRIUS, because it's not our god-pounding business. If eUSA doesn't like it, they can go stuff themselves, and the war can continue. Non-negotiable.

"They still have ties with a different alliance than us? Screw that, I'm out!"

2. Wild Owl must issue a formal apology to all of eCanada. Not for the war - the war has been excellent fun all around - but for his treachery, libelous comments made in his presidential addresses, and encouragement of anti-Canadian sentiment amongst his people. This would also be non-negotiable.

Wild Owl, speaking to Rylde.

3. The price for Quebec and British Columbia must be suitably high. Their occupation of Quebec cuts our Maritime provinces off from the rest of the country, and deprives us of iron. In return, they pay exorbitant rent, or trade Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and New York to create a "land bridge" for our Maritime provinces. And for BC, we'll take Alaska. This would be our opening bid, but we'd be willing to take more from them should they choose to haggle.

eSpain has been far more reasonable in their acceptance of Canadian glory. All they ask in return for restoring our lands to us is to help them relocate their capital. These are terms that even I, a die-hard eSpaniard-hater, can accept.

Stand proud, patriots! We wore the bastards down!