So it begins …

Day 1,263, 10:52 Published in New Zealand Slovenia by Don KronoX

Dear citizens of New Zealand!

As of today, you have chosen me as the next CP of New Zealand. I wish to thank to all of you. Fist order of business is to set up a government. I have decided that this month, I will directly appoint only a small portion of government positions. Those positions are:

Vicepresident: Srnica
Vicepresident: Oboacer
Security council member: CrusaderCarl
Security council member: Loader
Security council member: KrMa
Minister of finances: Don KronoX
Assistant to MoFA for ONE: Splindza
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Kemis
Assistant to minister of defense: Deja-Vu
Minister of Education/Development/New citizens: Aleda542

All other positions will be selected between applicants in this newspaper. If you wish to be a part of this administration and you fill the necessary requirement (at least level 23 or a good recommendation from a known NZ player or larger group, experience in government, good reputation, willingness to work all 30 days and a NZ citizenship for longer than 1 month).

[]All the available positions you can see in NZ government document[/url] (long link:

Selections will be made in the next 2 day. All applicants leave your comment (in this article) with (I wish to apply for the positions of XXXX.) and your short CV (Curriculum Vitae, short work biography) and why you wish to work in that position. Also who supports you and why do you think you would be a good candidate.

I will be available on a IRC (Rizon) NZ Government channel for all information. There you can find all ministers and government officials when they will be online. #nzarmy will stay the main NZDF channel!

More news will be published in the next days…