So Close...

Day 1,448, 01:56 Published in India India by DonMogul

What a hectic last few weeks in my eRepublik life.

I stood for election as your President but due to the admin's faulty programming in the CP nomination process I never appeared in the candidate list.

I am very disappointed in not being able to contest the election - I wouldn't have minded losing the election for failing to achieve popular support. However, I do mind losing it due to a bug.

I have contacted the Admin via the ticket support system where I expressed very clearly my disappointment. They are also aware that I will no longer purchase GOLD from their store.

I have been playing eHeadlessChickenRepublik since 2008. Like many others who have been around this long we have put up with a lot.

This is just the straw that broke the camel's back.

I came very close to (instead of complaining about the nomination bug) requesting my account be deleted.

Then I started reading some of my older articles all the way from my UK days through to Australia, my short mercenary stint in Romania and finally my arrival here in India.

Through reading these articles I remembered why I play this bug filled game.

It isn't because I find the political side of this game fascinating.

It isn't because I find the economic system fun to work with.

It isn't because I find the war modules somewhat entertaining.

It is the friends I have gained while playing the game. It is even the enemies I have found. It is YOU.

It is the community in this game and in particular the people of India that keeps me here.

My respect and (dare I say) affection for the people here ensures I will be here for the long haul - no matter what curveballs are thrown our way.

It is with this respect and affection for the community here that I will be asking my PP to put my name up for Country President next time around.

I can only hope that the Admin has fixed whatever the problem was by then.

Below are some of those articles I mentioned ranked in order of OMGTHATWASGOO😨

1. Grow up Mr Smo! Read the comments here 😁

2. Read especially the comments section where I shut down the mighty Dishmcds!

3. My life history

4. I felt really good while writing this one (shame a certain bug happened)

5. My first article in India

6. Just shortly before I left Australia

7. Arrest em and lock away the key

8. I translated a video into English