See the World - Become An Ambassador!

Day 2,483, 07:29 Published in Norway Norway by Norwegian Consulate

Norwegian Embassy Program

The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is looking for candidates for the job as ambassador. The program focuses on Norwegian citizens who want to obtain an opportunity to contribute to the country and acquire some experience in foreign relations. Almost all the great politicians we have in the country were, at least once, ambassadors.

The eWorld is a big place with a lot of important changes happening in countries and governments every day. Due to our limited personal resources, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Directorate of Embassies are not able to keep track of all the changes, and this is where we need your help.

Being an ambassador means you have to get involved in other countries' Politics and keep an open eye on events that can be of interest for Norway. The Norwegian government would like you to report when required, with updated information about the country in question.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is especially interested in the military situation, elections and politics as well as economic changes.

Some time ago, our former Minister of Foreign Affairs - Per Jostein - wrote an article about being an ambassador which can be found here - although the article is old, it is still up to date.

Requirements for candidates are:
-Good communication skills
-Good manners
-Be active, loyal and hardworking
-Good references (in case of foreign applier)

You can apply as an ambassador by sending a message to noenting.
Please hand in your application until Tuesday September 9, 24:00h erepublik time at the latest.

Since the Ministry of Foreign affairs is interested in gaining information from foreign nations we would kindly ask you to add the following information to your application:
-A list of languages you are able to read/write and/or speak. Please also rate your skills (i.e. native speaker, rough knowledge or similar)
-A list of countries you have been citizen of (in game).
-A list of countries you would wish to be assigned to. We cannot guaranteer to pay respect to these wishes, as we have some priorities here as well, but we will do our very best.

The directorate of Embassies has obtained a budget which allows us to pay the ambassadors.
During the term you will be asked to hand in three different reports to the Directorate which are then going to be published in the newspaper of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (this newspaper).
Once these reports meet some reasonable standard guidelines you will be rewarded a payment of 50cc for each of them.

If you aren't sure if being an ambassador is the right thing for you or you just want more information, please comment below or send a message to Kesha Winehouse or noenting.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is interested in assigning ambassadors to allied nations, such as Asgard, Asteria and LETO countries, with a few exceptions.

Director of Embassies,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs