RLC - A new era begins...

Day 1,693, 11:42 Published in USA USA by Dutch Marley

Hello all,

As the headline states it is time for a new era. It has been a rough month in politics. There have been many accusations thrown around. And many a persons true colors came to light. This month as PP of the RLC I worked as hard as I could to ensure the best for the eUS while balancing that with what was best for the party. I gave all I could. I trusted people to do what they said they would. In the end some have listened and some have not. I think some good came from my leadership. But at the same time I was not able to do enough. There were many obstacles and many naysayers.

I know now what this party needs. I know what had to be done to ensure stability for the eUS and stability for the RLC. The first act to ensure this is officially announcing I will not be seeking re-election. That is not a goodbye by any means but something completely different. I have worked hard with some of the most beloved and trusted members of the eUS on a path forward. The path is now clear.

From that I am announcing whom I feel is the best choice for Party President and his Vice President. This pair will provide stability to the party and help it grow and prosper. They both have done it before and now are stepping up to do it again. I fully support these two men and I ask the RLC to do the same.

For Party President a man whose list of accomplishments include:

Commander, Easy Company
Economics Council Member
Former Vice President of eUSA
Former Secretary of Defense of eUSA
SCI member x2
Secretary of Media x4
Former Lieutenant, Alpha Company 1st Platoon, USAF SF
Congressman x6
Federalist Party President x4
Mentor to the Masses



And to be his Vice President.

Joseph Dinero!!!

You all know what he has done with the Bastards of Liberty!

I believe these two men will lead this party to new heights. They have done great in everything they have done previous to this. And they have both committed to helping to lead this party into the future. They will provide stability to the party. They will reinvigorate the party. They have shown their loyalty to the country. And are now committing to making this party be successful. I will be staying with the party and acting as party liaison for the transition.

To everyone who voted for me. Please send your vote to Gnilraps. To everyone who has shown their commitment and have been honest. You will have a place in the party. Please support Gnilraps and Joseph Dinero as they lead this party into a future of prosperity.

In closing thank you to the party for giving me an opportunity to lead it. I accomplished some goals. But others did not get met. I apologize for anything I did not do. But the one thing I know I did right was work on setting up this team that will lead this party. It is something that will forever be with this party as it will usher in a new age.

RLC the future is so bright we will all have to wear shades!

Thank you! Remember to vote Gnilraps/Joseph Dinero for PP/VP!

Dutch Marley