Resignation as MoD

Day 843, 09:09 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas
To: The People of eIreland

I hereby publicly tender my resignation as Minister of Defence. As my last order, I ask the CoS / Co-Mod Gleb2006 to change the passwords to all the orgs.

For whoever takes up the cross of MoD for the remainder of this administration I stand by to offer any unofficial advice or guidance you may desire.

I would like to apologize to Gleb for putting the brunt of work on his shoulders. I believe Gleb to be a dedicated and conscientious soldier who has bright ideas and the will to carry them out. I believe he will be an important part of the IDF in the future. For those who had hoped to serve as deputies, I will forward all information I have on all existing programs on to Gleb.

I would further like to apologize to those soldiers who asked me to stay on as MoD and maintain a level of sanity in the current turbulent times but as my mentor once said “My position is untenable.”

The fact is I am too much of my RL military self. For those of you who have served the following statement will explain it all.

I have lost confidence in out President’s ability to command.


As CC I have just closed out the vote posted in the public Dáil by our President requesting a National State of Emergency.

This vote failed by a margin of twenty to one.

Let me state that in a different manner;

Everyone BUT the President thinks it a bad idea.

I find myself realizing that I have no idea what is running though my bosses mind. I don’t have an open line of communication with him; I don’t feel like I have been consulted in regards to “threats” to the country and don’t feel that I am an active part of this administration. I do not feel he is approachable. I also don't believe I should have to ask for orders.

I believe the President feels that The Dáil is a tool for him to mold and bend to his will and that when the elected representatives of the people do not agree with him that the option of martial law exists.

I wholeheartedly and emphatically disagree with this.

I can no longer serve under Dubhthaigh in good conscience. My assessment of the President is now so skewed that I feel that I can no longer execute the Minister of Defence position in good faith. I find myself wondering what position I will be placed in the next time the Dáil or a senior cabinet member disagrees with him.

I fear that very shortly I will be faced with choices that would force me to break my oath.
I would rather face the scorn and ridicule of quitting than the possibility of being forced to mutiny.

I will leave it at that before my emotions get the better of me and the fingers start flying on the keyboard.

I will continue to properly execute my duties as CC and TD. This country needs a strong congress now more than ever.

Very Respectfully,

Donovan Thomas