Reginald for President

Day 2,425, 06:22 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Reginald Marrowbum

A glorious day dawns in the UK as I, Sir Reginald, launch my campaign for the Presidency of the UK Progressive Party.

So, who am I and why should you cast your vote for me when you enter your local polling booth?

Tenacity - I am perhaps the sole survivor of a group of fellow friends who joined this game little more then a month ago. Whilst they have drifted away from the game into other endeavours, I have remained.

Independent - Arriving late on the scene I have no idea who these chaps complaining and counter-complaining are. I also don't have much of a clue what a person did 10 years ago and why it is a seemingly capital crime.

Thougtful - As a rather shiny and gleaming baby, I am somewhat reliant on the guidance and opinions of others and am willing to take every point onboard.

Steady - I have not exploded onto the front pages or engaged in the seemingly futile debates in the media as I have taken my time to do a lot of reading on not only the UK Progressive Party but on other parties, characters and events. One thing I can certainly promise you is that I am not quick to rise to anger or rush into a decision.

In terms of managing the party I plan to very much follow in the footsteps of our current president and see my role as;

a) Organising a Party Conference
b) Selecting a fair and balanced party list for congress elections
c) Organising a ballot when it comes tiem to elect a national leader

I also hope to keep up the pace of articles we currently enjoy and make sure that all members are kept updated on what I & Your Congressional representatives are doing on your behalf.

I also plan to use the following Party Positions,

a) Vice President = Runner up in the election
b) Councilor = A Congressman or Congresswoman who's job it will be to report back to the members from congress
c) General Secretary = Our outgoing President
d) Spokesman = Well that would be me! 😃

With Thanks to Alfagrem for donating the gold to start this newspaper.

Sir Reginald Esquire.