Recruitment - The Ministry of Security

Day 1,324, 14:15 Published in South Africa South Africa by OKayOK
The Ministry of Security is Recruiting - Everyone

This boy is super lucky

Intel officers
Want to be on the front-line of the nations security. We are looking for two people who think that they might be skilled at finding patterns in data. It is a nice way to get you feet wet in this exciting field

Director of Immigration and Intelligence
You see a Citizenship application, you get your team to investigate it, you post the results of the investigation and you approve or deny Citizenship. Not as mind numbing as it sounds. You will have the burdan of balancing security with the nations growth. Think you have the balls?

And finally, I am recruiting YOU, the whole of eSA
The MoS is running an ambitious project this month. In order to better our odds against potential PTO's and help the nation grow, we are running a Golden Ticket initiative. The lowdown is:
We will be compiling a large list of pre-checked, high-activity, medium ranked players who might feel that they can not break through in their current nations because there are simply too many fish. We are going to give them a free pass, instant Citizenship once they are invited. Should they not wish to sign up off the bat, we will be inviting them to become part of the community on the forums, IRC and by asking them to join the SAFU. Hopefully they will love it soo much they will stay.

What I need first is for you all to think about your friend list. Who is the guy that has a lot of potential, yet can't break through? If you know someone, then you need to nominate them for a Golden Ticket.

For nominations and Applications to the above Posts, send Mark Morcom a PM in-game or
Post your Golden Ticket Nominations here:

Thank You eSA

Mark Morcom
Minister of Security