Real Life vs Game Life

Day 1,777, 03:39 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by TheJakal

For all of you reading this article, 90% of you will understand that eRepublik is a game and that ePakistan is a virtual country in a digital world.
For the 10% of you who get confused that this is your Real Life, please grow up and stop whining.

We all play this game by choice, because we enjoy it, some of us spend crazy amounts of money on it, others don't.

Some of us take active positions in the government, some of us don't.

Some of us go for battle honours, others don't.

The point is, if you take up a government role within the game, please don't ruin the game for everyone else by bitching about how important your Real Life is and how you don't have time.

Several people who miserably fail at what they do, take up their Real Life committments as an excuse for their sorry ass performance in game. You know who you are. No body cares, get over yourself and stop trying to be a power hungary fool.

Some positions are more important than others and some positions require additional time and committments from the ePlayer.

We have been steadily growing due to the efforts of a number of people who by choice spend time on this game and play active roles.

It really doesn't matter what you did in the past, what matters is the present and the future, so if you don't have time, than stay away from key positions.

ePakistan is NOT dependant on one person, it will survive regardless of who quits and who takes time off. No body cares.

Enjoy the game for what it is, a game.