Rantasaurous Rex

Day 854, 14:30 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas

(A slightly edited version of a rant I placed in the Private Dáil)

Why I'm not running for congress or taking cabinet positions... for a while (after I'm done with this one)


How I learned to stop whinging and embrace "The Game"

/Rant on.

How long are we going to sit around and argue about policy, dogma and nonsense? We're all guilty of it and I'll point the finger at myself first, but the fact is the stuff Dish has been writing in our media is the soundest most logical bit of craic around in a long time... (though I do not condone the manner in which he allegedly gained citizenship).

I am NOT advocating his plan... But I am advocating the spirit of it.

Have others tried similar things? Yes. In fact I would dare say that many of the leaders in this country have similar plans or at least plans that are ambitious...

But EVERY SINGLE one of them will only get behind THEIR OWN plan.

We need to take a month off of the Dáil and just DO SOMETHING in the game... We spend so much time in there arguing, wishing, wanting, wondering and whinging... we've committed suicide... Death by Committee.

We have no enemies to unite us because we are too afraid to take a stand... ohnoz! We might lose!

We have no "real" allies because we are afraid to pick a side.

And being by ourselves is just f---ing boring. I love this e-country, and I love the people, hell, even the one's that think I hate them make it fun... but damn man...

You know what I really think? I think all of us long time serving minsters etc should all take a couple months off of the Dáil and government in general and let some new blood in. We all know each other too much, we all have a list of those we wont support or those who are "not qualified"...

We were all at one time that "unqualified" person...

It's time for a new perspective

/Rant off.