
Day 1,859, 23:56 Published in Romania Romania by Tudor Jianu

Dear Plato,

I’ve been accused of racism in short time after the initial publishing of the article „10 interesting facts about Poland”.
First of all, there was no mention at all referring to something like race, racial discrimination or ethnic discrimination. So, this accusation is with no evidence or real suport.
Second, some other people might say that’s a xenophobic article, but there was no evidence of irrational hatred toward polish people.
Third, please be nice and put my article back, or… remove the accusation of racism.

According to Romanian Law 105/2009, racist and xenophobic material means any written material, any image or any other representation of ideas or theories, which advocates, promotes or incites hatred, discrimination or violence against any person or group of persons on account of race, color, descent or national or ethnic origin, as well as religion if used as pretext for any of these factors.

If you still want to acuse me of racism, please make a complaint with the prosecutor.

Dear Tudor Jianu,
Recently, you have created content which was declared to be not legal.
Content type: article Content info: 10 interesting facts about Poland Reason: Racism You can see all your penalties in your Law Infringements List page.
Best regards,
Your eRepublik team