Presidential Platform - With update from D9

Day 5,004, 11:16 Published in Belgium South Africa by OKayOK

I am again running for Country President under the HOPE banner. HOPE is an acronym for “Helping Other People Enthusiastically” but as we continue to stagnate as a nation under the undemocratic rule of ATO, HOPE to me at least has new meaning.

HOPE stands for wanting a better tomorrow, for wanting to have a democratic say in our state, for wanting unity, togetherness and agreement between the various sectors of our Society. Hope is wanting the strength to never give up or give in.

As we head towards this election, I believe it is important to re-look at what we have achieved thus far in our struggle against the oppressor.

It has been a bumpy road. First we grew because as the citizenry grew due to policies implemented by HOPE, the alternative, ATO, who never communicates with constituents, never explains their actions, and after having a president in power for 4 years, never explained what he was actually doing, this simply did not cut it for them.

After ATO realized that they had failed dismally as a party and as a government, a dictatorship was declared, decimating the freedom loving constituents of HOPE.

We are on the rise again. In the last congressional elections, we received more votes than we have members. This is a clear sign that the people are getting sick and tired of this Dictatorship and want it to end. This is the reason we contest these elections. If there is no voice to stand up and carry the banner of liberty, the way things are now will become the new normal. It the face of impossible odds, HOPE is still performing and still growing.

If I am elected, I fully expect to be immediately impeached by CurlyBear, after all, opposition to their absolute power has been retaliated against this way multiple times before. If, however, I am not impeached, my singular goal would be to bring a political end to the Dictatorship. I will enter into negotiations with ATO and with the voice of all those who voted for me, I will demand an end to the tyranny. In the current state of affairs, I have no power to do anything else.

I found this little gem in an article by Director 9: link

What is so very interesting from his chart is that it was made to discredit HOPE, but all it does is validate us. We have never hidden the fact that we promote Growth through Safe Immigration, and this ticket to the country comes with no quid pro quo. Every player we brought in was welcome to join any party they wish. ATO reacted by accusing us of committing a PTO, but as this wonderful chart illustrates (Thank you for the hard work D9) is that prior to the coup, ATO and HOPE were growing at a parallel trajectory. This is proof that no PTO ever happened and that they had no excuse for the coup. I am thankful that they finally admitted that.

Vote for me for President and the only thing that would be on my mind is defending the liberties of Belgiums people, promoting their best interests and not that of an autocratic few.