Preliminary Govermental Positions

Day 1,994, 13:49 Published in Netherlands China by SKYJACKED

The preliminary Govermental positions sofar are

President: RikW (ST6 member)
Vice-President: Aries Prime

MoHA: Fosite
SSoHA: Marnix Maximus (u.s Citizen,HC & ST6 member)

MoFA: Kordak
ssMoFA: SpikyJade2700

Mo😨 Thanatos the Magnificent
SSo😨 Aries Prime

MoF: Weekstrom
SSoF: Meduhk

MoI&C: ElGorro (ST6 member)

MoC: Gwom

Advisors: DaveBrinkman (U.S Citizen & ST6 member)

This will mean that the country is ran by a couple ST6 members that fight against Asgard ......
What will happen with the negotiations between Asgard and e-NL.
Will Asgard take us serious to even start negotiations now that the country has a number of ST6 members that fight against them....
IMO this will not help our position in anyways in joining up with Asgard.