People of Ireland, CHANCE for CP Part 2!

Day 1,354, 11:12 Published in Ireland Canada by Thomas Arashikage

During my administration I was able to get MPPs with the following nations below.

Our Country looked like this.

We currently are STILL at war with the UK. That's not something I can help. They're giant Vs. I have however been able to keep great relations with our allies AND improve our economy which in turn has boosted our citizenship. Nations all over the world love Ireland and I hope I've continued that trend. However, without me in office I'm afraid Ireland will fall back into the abyss once more. We're a fighting kind but tyranny is not something we bow to. Help me in continuing our quest for what we rightfully claim!

I truly am IRISH INSIDE!


"In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil's might, beware my power, Come Irish lads, LET'S FIGHT!"

Current eIreland Country President

Raise your glasses lads and lasses!