Partisan Politics

Day 3,065, 18:13 Published in USA USA by Jaredbeaudrie123
11 April 2016 Hello, my readers have not seen from me in a while, yes I exist and am currently on a third campaign for the SFP Chairmanship, now this article is not going to be an attempt to rationalize my policies if I were elected the objectives that I had stated two months ago are still active. Now to get away from my campaign as party president, I will get on to why I am writing again after a 2 month Haitus. There are 2 main reasons 1. I will likely not be on erepublik due to previous commitments for the next several months and 2. I want to bring to point a specific topic that may interest my subscribers.

Now, if you have read the title, it mentions partisan politics, this article will attack the whole nature of political parties IRL and on the website and if I get banned so be it. Politics along with religion are the two things which divide humanity into opposing groups. I will not focus on the second topic because the idea of a man in the clouds controlling your fate is asinine and borderline ridiculous. Politics is the only topic which is worth discussing nowadays.

If any of you have followed the us presidential election you would know that an inept man has risen to the top of the gop presidential candidate picks and as a result we have Bernie Sanders whom is a socialist and is the exact opposite of Donald Trump, (personally I support Sanders but don't let that get in the unbiased view of the article). Now, if you are wondering why bring this up, I will tell you why, Political Parties are completely useless in all regard as they only strive to further divide men. Ok, to provide a few examples George Washington the father of our country and the first president had denounced political parties in his farewell address. He likened it to England and France, Britian being the Federalists and France being the Republicans (no association to the GOP). Washington as you know was a neutral man and did not like political parties that divided up his country.

As a conclusion I ask that we stop this senseless partisan warfare and unite as one Eusa for the common good and as a bulwark against my enemies. (DISCLAIMER this is not a poltical ad and any mentions to the Federalist and Socialist Freedom Parties are for examples only and do not reflect my personal opinions)